Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Long u with -ew spellings

Today, we are going to learn about the -ew spelling of the Long U Sound: like in new, few and grew. We also copied the words in our Phonics Dictionary.  

Nota para padres: los verbos to fly (volar), to grow (crecer), to blow (soplar), to draw  (dibujar), y to know (saber) hacen pasados irregulares en inglés. Se tienen que aprender de memoria porque son verbos muy comunes. Lo positivo es que empleamos la misma forma del verbo para todas las personas.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Long /u/ with -ui spelling

Today, we are going to learn about the -ui spelling of the Long U Sound. It is not very common and is always in the middle of words.

Long u sound with -ue spelling

Today, we have started to review the Long U Sound with the -ue spelling like in blue, glue and Tuesday. Remember that this spelling of the Long U Sound is found in the middle or at the end of words, never at the beginning. Let´s review!


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Writing Sentences with Long O Spelling Words

Today, we brainstormed some sentences with our Long O spelling words. Then, we copied them in our notebook. Have a look!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Long O Sound with -o and oe Spellings

Today, we have learned about the -o and -oe spellings of the Long O Sound like in no, potato, tomato, potatoes, tomatoes and goes. 


Short and Long 0

Today, we reviewed the letter Oo can make a short sound like in hot, stop and not. Then, we learned that it also makes a long sound like in no, go and open. Then, we copied the vocabulary in our Phonics Dictionary.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Long O Sound Wrap Up

This week,  we are finishing our Long O Sound workbook. Watch the video below to review. Here is also some of the work we did: