Today, we worked with alternative spellings of the long a sound:
- a like in April, vacation and table
- ea like in break, great and steak
- eigh like in eight, sleigh and weight
- ey like in they and grey
This blog is to help my second grade students continue to improve their reading and writing skills.
Today, we worked with alternative spellings of the long a sound:
We have been working with the -ay spelling of long a sound like in play, day and crayon. We have copied the vocabulary in our new Phonics Dictionary. Have a look!
Today, we reviewed the /sh/ sound like in sheep, shop and wash and copied the vocabulary in our Phonics Dictionary. Have a look!
Today, we reviewed three spellings for the /z/ sound:
- z like in zoo, puzzle and zero
- th like in weather, the and mother
- s like in toes, nose and goes
Today, we learned about some unusual spellings of the Long U Sound. We have to remember these words because we use them a lot!
Today, we have learned about the -o and -oe spellings of the Long O Sound like in no, potato, tomato, potatoes, tomatoes and goes.
This week, we have learned that the Long O Sound can be written with the Magic -e like in home, cone and note. Today, we copied the vocabulary in our Phonics Dictionary.
Today, reviewed the -igh spelling of the Long I sound like in night, right and sight. In this spelling, the letters -gh are silent. We learned that we live in Ejea de los Caballeros/Ejea of the Knights. We copied and illustrated our vocabulary in our dictionary. You can listen to us reading the words in the video below. 😃
Today, we reviewed the Long I sound and song. We also copied some words with the -ie spelling in our Phonics Dictionary.
This week, we have started to review the Long I sound with the -y and -ie spellings like in fly, cry and spy as well as flies, cries and spies. Let´s review!
Today, we have reviewed the Long /e/ Sound with the -y spelling and learned about the -ie spelling:
-y like in happy, sunny and family
-ie like in families, candies and babies
Then, we copied the -ie words in our Phonics Dictionary.
Do you remember how to read these words?
Today, we learned that the Long /e/ sound can also be written with -y like in happy, rainy, and baby. Then, we copied the vocabulary in our Phonics Dictionary. Let´s Review!
Today, we learned that the letter Ee can make two sounds:
- the short /e/ sound like in ten, hen and pet
- the long /e/ sound like in zero, hero, and she
Let´s review!
Today, we reviewed the Long /e/ sound with the spellings
-ee like in see, tree and green
-ea like in eat, cream and team
Do you remember the words that we learned last week? We aslo did a worksheet in our Long /e/ workbook.
Today, we have reviewed the Long /e/ sound with the -ee spelling like in bee, tree and see. We know lots of words with this spelling. We copied them in our Phonics Dictionary. Let´s review!