Today, we reviewed the Long /e/ sound with the two spellings
-ee like in see, tree and green
-ea like in eat, cream and team
Let's have another look!
This blog is to help my second grade students continue to improve their reading and writing skills.
Today, we reviewed the Long /e/ sound with the two spellings
-ee like in see, tree and green
-ea like in eat, cream and team
Let's have another look!
Today, we read a new book on the Starfall webpage: book 7, Pete´s Sheep. We played the phonics games and read it. Click on the link below to read it again:
Today, we learned that the Long /e/ sound can also be spelled -ea like in eat, scream and meat. We copied the vocabulary in our Phonics Dictionary.
Today, we have reviewed the Long /e/ sound with the -ee spelling like in bee, tree and see. We know lots of words with this spelling. Let´s review!
We are now reading a new book, A Day in May. Here is a video so that you can practice it at home!
Today, we used our Long a Spelling words to write sentences. Then, we copied and illustrated them in our Literacy notebook.
Remember that this Friday we will have our spelling test. You can watch the video below and play the riddle game to review the spelling words.
Today, we practiced completing sentences with words that have the long a sound. Let´s read them again!
Nota para Padres:
Este vídeo repasa las palabras del dictado del viernes de la semana que viene.
Today, we worked with alternative spellings of the long a sound:
This week, during reading time, we read book 6, Jake´s Tale on the Starfall webpage. Let´s read it again! Click on the link below!